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Image of Fundamentals of machine component design 3rd edition


Fundamentals of machine component design 3rd edition

Juvinall, Robert C. - Nama Orang; Kurt M. Marshek - Nama Orang;

Stressing the solution of mechanical component design problems, this edition has been revised and updated to include a more direct presentation of the systems of units and dimensions, additional homework problems and a more unified treatment of the basics of work, energy and power.
Source: https://www.worldcat.org/title/fundamentals-of-machine-component-design/oclc/41400980


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Informasi Detail

Judul Seri -
No. Panggil 621.815 JUV f
Penerbit Singapore, John Wiley & Sons,
Deskripsi Fisik xxiii, 888 hal, ; ind, ; ill, ; 25 cm
Bahasa English
ISBN/ISSN 0-471-24448-1
Klasifikasi 621.815
Tipe Isi -
Tipe Media -
Tipe Pembawa -
Edisi Third Edition
Info Detail Spesifik Indeks: hal
Versi lain/terkait Tidak tersedia versi lain
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