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Image of Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse 4th edition


Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse 4th edition

METCALF - Nama Orang; EDDY D. ISKANDAR - Nama Orang;

Describes the technological and regulatory changes that have occurred in wastewater engineering. This book describes the fundamental understanding of many of the existing unit operations and processes used for wastewater treatment, especially those processes used for the biological removal of nutrients.


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Informasi Detail

Judul Seri -
No. Panggil 628.3 MET w
Penerbit New York, McGraw-Hill,
Deskripsi Fisik xxviii, 1819 hal, ; ind, ; ill, ; 24 cm
Bahasa English
ISBN/ISSN 007-124140-X
Klasifikasi 628.3
Tipe Isi -
Tipe Media -
Tipe Pembawa -
Edisi Fourth Edition
Info Detail Spesifik -
Versi lain/terkait Tidak tersedia versi lain
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