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Image of How to build a digital library


How to build a digital library

Witten, Ian H. - Nama Orang; Bainbridge, David - Nama Orang;

Given modern society's need to control its ever-increasing body of information, digital libraries will be among the most important and influential institutions of this century. With their versatility, accessibility, and economy, these focused collections of everything digital are fast becoming the ""banks"" in which the world's wealth of information is stored. How to Build a Digital Library is the only book that offers all the knowledge and tools needed to construct and maintain a digital library-no matter how large or small


2020901310-1025.002 85 WIT h C/1Perpustakaan Pusat (Koleksi Tandon)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Tersedia (Tidak Dipinjamkan)

Informasi Detail

Judul Seri -
No. Panggil 025.002 85 WIT h
Penerbit Amsterdam, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Deskripsi Fisik xxxii, 518 hal. ; bibl.; ill.; ind.; 24 cm
Bahasa English
ISBN/ISSN 1-55860-790-0
Klasifikasi 025.002 85
Tipe Isi -
Tipe Media -
Tipe Pembawa -
Edisi -
Info Detail Spesifik -
Versi lain/terkait Tidak tersedia versi lain
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