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Image of Industrial motor control


Industrial motor control

Herman, Stephen L - Nama Orang; Alerich, Water N - Nama Orang;

This newly revised text, now in full color, provides easy-to-follow instructions and the essential information for controlling industrial motors. Most commonly-used devices in contemporary industrial settings are covered. Many circuits are explained with clear and concise step-by-step sequences that help students learn the concepts and applications of control logic. A new lab manual is now available to supplement the 4th edition of this text.


2022300043-1621.462 HER i C/1Perpustakaan Pusat (Koleksi Tandon)Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Tersedia (Tidak Dipinjamkan)

Informasi Detail

Judul Seri -
No. Panggil 621.462 HER i
Penerbit New York, Delmar Publisher Inc,
Deskripsi Fisik xii, 379 hal, ; ind, ; ill, ; 23 cm
Bahasa English
ISBN/ISSN 0-8273-2380-8
Klasifikasi 621.462
Tipe Isi -
Tipe Media -
Tipe Pembawa -
Edisi -
Info Detail Spesifik Indeks: hal. 374-379
Versi lain/terkait Tidak tersedia versi lain
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