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Image of Project financing asset-based financial engineering 3rd Edition


Project financing asset-based financial engineering 3rd Edition

Finnerty, John D - Nama Orang;

As an effective alternative to conventional direct financing, project financing has become one of the hottest topics in corporate finance. It's being used more and more frequently—and more successfully—on a wide variety of high-profile corporate projects, and has long been used to fund large-scale natural resource projects. But the challenges of successful project financing are immense, and the requirements of the process can easily be misunderstood. That's why John Finnerty has returned with the Third Edition of Project Financing.


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Informasi Detail

Judul Seri -
No. Panggil 658.152 FIN p
Penerbit Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons,
Deskripsi Fisik xvi, 543 hal,; bibl,; 23cm
Bahasa English
ISBN/ISSN 978-1-118-39410-6
Klasifikasi 658.152
Tipe Isi -
Tipe Media -
Tipe Pembawa -
Edisi Third Edition
Info Detail Spesifik Bibliografi: hal. 513-520
Versi lain/terkait Tidak tersedia versi lain
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